About Us - Find Opening Hours
Opening Hours and maps to nearest stores and service points
On VarLigger you can find information and opening hours for stores, points of interest and services. We also help you find the nearest location to where you are inclduing directions.
You will find stores throughout the country and we have a large database with almost everything you need. We are continously working with adding more places and data and if there is something you cannot find, then please let us know.
By using your web browser we can get your approximate location as an aid to find your nearest stores. If you answer yes to the browser's question, then the field 'Your position' will be filled witih your address
You can save VarLigger as a bookmark on your phones start menu by following these instructions
on Android:
- Go to VarLigger using your Android browser
- Save as a bookmark by pressing the symbol in the top right corner
- Select Menu and go to your bookmarks
- Hold your finger on the VarLigger.se bookmark until a window pops up
- Select: 'Add shortcut to Home'
- Now you should have an icon to VarLigger.se on your Android start menu
on iPhone:
- Go to VarLigger using your Safari browser
- Press the 'share' button down in the tools menu
- Select: 'Add to Home Screen'
- Välj: 'Add'
- Now you should have an icon to VarLigger.se on your iPhone start menu
Click here to contact VarLigger if you have questions or ideas.